Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Some good posts..

I started following some of the Blog categories on IT Toolbox. Apart from this is yet another place I regularly visit these days. Other day I stumble upon this very good entry on SEO (Search engine optimization). Though its been long I have worked with SEO related stuff, this was indeed good post putting together good list of basic SEO consideration while designing web pages. One of the notable point author makes in the beginning of article is that Search bots are enhanced these days to minimize or eliminate tricks used by web designers for a higher Page Ranking on search engines. However author goes on mentioning some things to consider while designing the web page so that its serach engine friendly and gets recognized appropriately by the search engine.

Scott Berkun, is not more guy whom I am following since an year. There are lots of discussions on Project Management, Usability Engineering etc. A series of essays Scott has written are worth read for any one from the software field. Also the PM clinic and UX clinic are good read.

Of late I also started following yet another BI community at There are interesting set of articles and news related to BI. There are specific vertical channels like Retail, Life sciences that have good bunch of articles worth reading.

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